Tuesday, 8 September 2009
traits Times Reflection
Term 3 Week 9
Home Section page B6
Call us, helplines urge troubled teens
1a) List two reasons why teens are reluctant to call helplines despite the promise of anonymity and professional help.
They would rather not confide in strangers.
They would first talk to their parents,friends,teachers.
b) According to Ms Lily Chu, how does Touch Leadership and Mentoring prefer to help troubled teens?
They prefer to help the youth through direct, effective means, such as educational workshops in schools, face-to-face counselling and home visits.
2) Have you confided in your friends or family members about the problems you face in school/ life? Why or why not?
Yes. As i think that the most trustable and the person whom i trust most is my friends and family. But i will choose family over friends, as nobody is closer to you than your family members.
Have you been betrayed by your friends before? If yes, how? (You may change the names of the people involved for privacy)
Yes. G and B is togeher for a few months.
When G decided to break with B,
B promised that he will not say out that G broke him in 3 msg's.
Although G was heartbrokened,
she kept it to herself refused to tell her good friends no matter how they pleaded her.
But after 12 days G broke up with B, B told his best friend.
Straits Times Reflection
Term 3 Week 8
Home Section page B3
1a) What are the 4 rules for religious harmony?
1st rule : All groups have to exercise tolerance and restraint.
2nd rule : Keep religion seperate from politics.
3rd rule : Government must remain secular.
4th rule : Mantain the common space that all Singaporeans share.
b) In your opinion, how can we maintain a common space in schools?
By mixing with people from other religion, accepting the differences among us and respecting them.
2) Do you respect other religions? Why or why not?
Yes. As they are my friends. I accept the fact that they are different from me. Even though we are different, but we can share the same common too. People from different religion does not mean that we are totally different.
What do you think of children who stay away from their parents' funerals because they believe the traditional rites are against their new religion?
I think that they are inhuman. As the funeral is not some other people but their own parents! How can they stay away from the funeral when its their parents?! They are so irresponsible. Their parents raised them so hardly yet, because of the new religion they had they did not attend the funeral.
Straits Times Reflection
Term 3 Week 3
In Section Page 8
3 Cheers for the Team
1. (a) Why is cheerleading an expensive sport?
As they have to spend alot of money to buy the uniform.
(b) What makes cheerleading such a tough sport?
The trainings.5hours each time.
2. What is your opinion of cheerleaders? If given a chance, would you join cheerleading? Why/ why not?
I think that they are very motivative,as although they are not playing the game,
they still give in their best to cheer for the people in the schol.
Maybe.As it seems rather fun. But it is dangerous too. I was amazed by the actions like turning in the air
performed by them.
Businesses are still big on doing good
(Part B - Home Section - Page B6 - The Home Market)
Question 1
What are big companies doing in order to be more socially responsible?
They divided the CSR programe into 4 groups :
`Community which supports initiatives focusing on youth & education.
`Enviromental,which aims to reduce carbon emissions & cut down on paper usage.
`Market Place,which involves corporate governance.
`WorkPlace,which provides learning & development opportunities and quality work-life balance for its staff.
Question 2
How important it is to be socially responsible? And do you think it is still
possible to make a social impact during the recession?
Yes its very important .
Yes it is still possible .
Save the planet? This is a job for school kids…
(Part B - Home Section - Page B3)
Question 1
What are some of the things that schools in Singapore are doing in order to take care of the environment?
They are asking their students to track their month-month energy use & are teaching them how to save energy,dropping fruit peels into a worm compost bin .
Question 2
Do you think one person's effort in reducing, reusing and recycling will make a difference in saving the environment? What steps have you taken in the effort to save the earth?
Yes.I have placed the plastic,glass bottle and paper to the different sections of recyclingv bin .
Q1) How does the treatment program of the Singapore Prison Service help sex offenders?
- They helped them to learn the way of their thinkings, and how their action flows.
Q2) Do you think that sex offenders should be given a second chance in society?
- Yes.
Q1) What is illegal logging?
-Illegal logging is harvest, transportation, purchase, sale of timber.
Q2) What can you do to stop the Sumatran tiger from extinction?
- By not purchasing any of those things/goods related to Sumatran tiger.
St Reflection 2009 - 2Na/Exp
Term 1 , week 9 (2nd march 09)
Ketamine (In control Pg 3)
1. What are the different forms of ketamine?
The different forms of ketamine are in powder form,tablet form & liquid form.
2. What would you do if you knew your friend took ketamine?
I will try my best to persuade her not to continue taking ketamine.
St Reflection 2009 - 2Na/Exp
Term 1 , week 8
Getting to the heart of Total Defense (Home.youthink B7)
1.In the last line,what did the writer mean by suggesting that "he may have found more porcupines that rats"?
It means that he may have found out that others will help to defend people and not run away from the situation.
2.What's worth giving up your life for?
My family~!!
ST Reflection 2009 - Secondary 2NA/2E
Term 1,Week 7 (16 Feb 09)
Q1) Why Coral Secondary School forbids students to idle around near their school in their school uniform?
As the Principal thinks that Coral Sec places much emphasis on inculcating in their students good habits like using their time prudently,so it is their interest not to loiter in the malls after school.
Q2) Do you agree with this rule?Explain your answer.
No.As sometimes after school we meet our primary school friends,and cannot find a proper place to chat with them.What if someone precious to you is dying and is in the hospital now,are you still going to go home and change?by the time you reach there,your loved one will be gone not awhile but FOREVER~!!It will be so unfair to the person so i think that Coral Secondary School should not have this rule.
ST Reflection 2009 – Secondary 2NA / 2ETerm 1, Week 7 (16 Feb 09)
No Loitering After School (IN! pg 7)
Q1) Why Coral Secondary School forbids students to idle around near their school in their school uniform?
- The school emphasis on time management. The school wants their students to manage their time well so that they will not waste time by slacking in neighbourhoods or anywhere.
Q2) Do you agree with this rule? Explain your answer
- No, even if they don't allow the students to slack or shop around, they should let them buy food back. Some students have to go home and change, and buy food and go back home again. This is wasting much more time. And the school claims that they emphasis on time management. So they should allow the students to buy food from Whitesands shopping mall in school uniform.
ST Reflection 2009 - Secondary 2NA/2E
Term 1,Week 6 (9 Feb 09)
Master of One (Life! People pg 4)
Q1) What was Jack Neo's vocation when he was serving the nation?
When Jack Neo is serving the nation he's vocation is to do business.
Q2) "Hard work leads to success"
To what extend do you agree with this statement?
I agree with it by 50% to 50%.As sometimes when you put in hard work people don't appreciate and will insult what you have done too.If you did it well and people agree with it too they will work with you.
I Draw @
Thursday, 9 April 2009
straits times week 9
Q: what are the different kind of ketamine?
ANS: Ketamine comes in power form, which users snort up their nostrils, or as tablets that are swallowed.
Q: What would you do if you knew your friend took ketamine?
ANS: I will tell my friend to try her best to stop taking ketamine as it will affect her life alot. it also affects her family alot too. she can also lost her life time by going to jail. I will tell her to consult the counselor
I Draw @
straits times week 8
Q: In the last line, what the writer mean by suggesting that "he may have found more porcupines than rats ?"
Ans: The writer mean that last time there were not many people defending the nation as their family is important for them. As mentioned as rats and now more people are interested in defending the nation and do not run away when there is danger as mentioned as porcupines.
Q: What's worth giving up your life for?
Ans: Defending my nation and my family but first is i will defend my family after that i will defend my country
I Draw @
straits time week 7
Q: Why coral sec sch forbid students to idle around near their sch in their sch uniform?
Ans: My comment is that the school is having this type of rules as sometimes loitering may lead trouble. If the sch students were in trouble the bad name will go to the sch so the sch made this type of rules
Q: Do you agree this rule? Explain your answer.
Ans: YES. if the students have been in trouble, the will the one to ans their parents. the sch should make a new rule that the students should inform their parents in front of the teacher before they go other places with their sch uniform on.
I Draw @
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Getting to the heart of Total Defense (Home-Youthink pg B7)
Q1) In the last line, what did the writer mean by suggesting that “he may have found more porcupines than rats?”
- The writer meant that they found more people that is brave than people that are cowards that run away when there's trouble.
Q2) What’s worth giving up your life for?
- My family and the people whom i loved worth giving up my life to. As they are very important to me.^^
I Draw @
Friday, 20 February 2009
ST Reflection 2009 – Secondary 2NA / 2ETerm 1, Week 7 (16 Feb 09)
No Loitering After School (IN! pg 7)
Q1) Why Coral Secondary School forbids students to idle around near their school in their school uniform?
- The school emphasis on time management. The school wants their students to manage their time well so that they will not waste time by slacking in neighbourhoods or anywhere.
Q2) Do you agree with this rule? Explain your answer.
- No, even if they don't allow the students to slack or shop around, they should let them buy food back. Some students have to go home and change, and buy food and go back home again. This is wasting much more time. And the school claims that they emphasis on time management. So they should allow the students to buy food from Whitesands shopping mall in school uniform.
Master of One (Life! People pg 4)
Q1) What was Jack Neo's vocation when he was serving the nation?
- He got posted to the army's Music and Drama Company, did part time acting, emceeing, singing, and comedy drama skits on TV and live theatre, getai shows, conducted drama-training classes, produced karaoke music videos, recorded best-selling comedy albums and published a comic book.
Q2) “Hard work leads to success.” To what extend do you agree with this statement?
- Sometimes if i work hard, I will succeed. But sometimes no matter how hard i tried, i still cannot succeed. Sometimes others take the credits.
I Draw @
Friday, 6 February 2009
Q1) How did the teenagers trespass into Singapore Island Country Club?
The three youths snoozing in a tee box near the fourth hole at about 10am.
Q2) Is underage drinking correct? Explain your answer...
No, underage drinking is wrong. It is illigel to drink and if got caught, he/she may have to send to Girls'/Boys' home and lastly it's also harm our health.Espacially underage person does not think what's going to happen if they drink too much.If we happen to drink too much,we cannot think of what we are doing. We can even start a fight with other people.
I Draw @
About Me
Name: Augustine Tay
Age: 14
Class: 202
School: East View Secondary School
Birthday: 08 December 95